Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Let's Do This...

So I had every intention to update this today...BUT, photos won't load and I'm getting irritated. With that being said, I will just say what I was going to say and update the photos soon. Cool? Cool. My week last week=AWESOME. Last week was a car windows rolled down, music blasting, arm hanging out the window, singing at the top of your lungs kind of week. The weather was absolutely BEAUTIFUL! This past Thursday I spent a good portion of the day at a local cafe, catching up on some much needed work. Later on in the day I met up with an awesome AWESOME band, One Voice of Worship, and had the privilege of doing a photo shoot with them for their debut album coming out later this month. SO exciting for me! We had so much fun! Both are married and brought their lovely wives along with them. One of the couples has a son named James, and I couldn't resist taking some photos of him. Whenever there are cute babies, I melt. I thought I'd post a couple of my personal favorites of 1VOW (short for One Voice of Worship) for you all to see! And, well, maybe some of little James, too! Wish these would upload, but hoping it will work tomorrow. Just wanted to at least have 2 posts on here :) Later, yo.
